Who I am
It’s not often that I tell my own story; I’ve made a profession out of telling the stories of others. Which is ironic, because as a child I loved acting, loved being on stage and in the spotlight. I haven’t lost my love of performance; I just don’t need an audience: I sing showtunes when I’m alone in the car.

These days, I find my greatest satisfaction comes from shining the spotlight on others. I’m captivated by my clients’ talents and accomplishments; I feel that they’ve enriched my understanding of the world. I want to share that sense of wonder and awe with the broadest audience possible.
I’ve worked in the arts since I moved to New York City in 1999 and have built a deep network of friends and colleagues in the art and design worlds. I take great pleasure in developing a rich tapestry of relationships for my clients. In fact, making introductions and connecting people—“cross-pollinating”—is a source of quiet satisfaction. I like to think I was a matchmaker in a former life.
I hold a BA from Williams College with a focus on art history and architecture. From 1999 to 2006, I worked at the Museum of Modern Art, first in the Department of Education and then in the Department of Architecture and Design. I joined Ruder Finn, Arts & Communications Counselors in 2006 and co-founded Kubany Judlowe in 2014.
I serve on the Board of Directors of the Architectural League of New York, the Exhibitions Committee of the Center for Architecture, and am a longtime supporter of several cultural organizations in New York City and the Berkshires. I live on the Upper West Side of Manhattan with my husband, two sons, and dog, Olive, the only other member of my family with curly hair.
What I do
Judlowe is dedicated to the expert promotion of culture and design.
I make connections — whether putting my clients’ work in front of the right journalists and influencers to help advance their narrative, or introducing them to my wide network of colleagues and friends in order to develop partnerships or collaborations.
I have a foot in traditional media, but the media landscape is constantly shifting, and I am always exploring new outreach methods. By using earned and owned media—including press, digital marketing, and social media—I put my clients’ messaging front and center.
I have been an engaged and informed participant in the cultural sphere for decades, and the breadth and depth of experience I bring to every project has proven invaluable to my clients. Each communications plan must reflect a client’s unique ethos—what’s good for one isn’t necessarily good for another. With the right approach, I help clients tell their stories in order to achieve their unique business goals.
How I do it
A combination of structure, expertise, and personality sets my practice apart. Judlowe is a small firm by design. The client roster is balanced, representing outstanding practitioners in each cultural field.
I begin each collaboration by listening and learning. I determine the strategy for my clients and, through coordinated outreach and considered timing, roll out every project and campaign with thoughtfulness and a creative approach. Often my role develops into something close to an in-house strategist, where I am immersed in day-to-day operations at a granular level. It goes without saying that I am available to my clients at all times.
Over the past twenty years, I have collaborated with an international group of architects, designers, artists, institutions, foundations, and galleries to develop and communicate their messages to the public at large as well as fellow professionals. I have created and executed successful campaigns for building openings, product and book launches, and museum exhibitions and tours, and I have organized numerous events, including public programs, competitions, lectures, and symposiums.
My experience working both in-house at cultural institutions and as an outside advisor gives me a 360-degree view of the art and design worlds. At the same time, I have a 1-degree laser focus on every detail. This awareness, blended with my own innate instinct for forging deep and lasting relationships with my clients, makes for an unbeatable combination. I evaluate the big and small pictures, establishing exactly the right approach at exactly the right time.
I am a dogged advocate for my clients, combining the determination and passion of a stage mother with the fierce protectiveness of a mother bear. Always straightforward with my feedback, I know when a client needs a gentle push out of their comfort zone.
Most of all, I’m a dedicated lover of culture. While I have learned much in my years in the arts, perhaps the most important thing is that art matters. Design matters. Relationships matter. Especially now. I want to continue telling the stories of those people and institutions and firms and makers who are creating the things that matter, and that make our lives better.